
Meet The Crew

RM2 Adam Bigelow Galoot
(Yes, A. Big Galoot)

Petty Officer Galloot has been in for several years and has seen nearly all. Mostly because he caused it all to happen. He loves the Navy, but hates leaving his family behind.

Darrell Troth

Darrell is the creator and mad man behind Haze Gray. Of all the names he was called while in the Navy, the Big Galoot is the one he lets be known.

RMSN Tom Hos

He’s relatively new to shipboard life but quickly becomes Galoot’s protege. He thinks Galoot’s antics are a bit old, so he’s gonna help. He likes the Navy but hates to leave his pro wrestling behind

Evan Hostutler

Evan joins the cast with an awesome connection. His dad is the basis for this character. He's just starting on his career in voice acting, and we're happy he's onboard.

RMC Dillon (Dill) Pickyll/Hyde

He’s the result of the Navy’s rules and regulations. Also the Navy’s experimentation on the effects of coffee on enlisted men.

J C Patterson

Looking for just that right voice... Contact me at

Ensign Tim Meeks CommO
(Communication Officer)

Fresh from ROTC, he tries to walk the fine line between the enlisted and officer Navy. Both groups just think he’s crossed the line. Into insanity.

Josh Harris

Josh Harris has been heard in many commercials. If there’s a local insurance agent or bank from here to Carmel, California, chances are you’ve heard him. He’s also done quite a bit of theatre and film stuff, but we’re not interested in it.

Lt Bassett

Lieutenant Robert “Bob” Bassett
(Operations Officer – OpsBoss)

Text coming soon.

Looking To Cast

Looking to cast the voice actor to play Lt. Bassett.

Skipper (Voice only)

The Commanding Officer (Skipper, Captain, CO, often times GOD) is the ship manifested. He can rise with a great ship’s reputation, or take all the blame for it’s failures. We never see his face, unless you have to go before him for judgement. Never go before him for judgement. NEVER.

James Wood

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